Docker Push: How to push your docker image to your organization in

March 07, 2018


I have seen the repeated solution on docker help pages which helps to push your image to your username. Example: ``` First build the image docker build -t .

Tag the image, by seeing its image id, from docker images command docker tag 04d7cc352e96 /<my_image_name>:

Finally, push your image docker push /<my_image_name> </my_image_name></my_image_name></my_image_name>

With above approach, the image will be pushed in path: /<USERNAME>/<my_image_name>

If my username is: goravsingal, and my_image_name=php-apache-mongo

The image will not be published in organization's space. Rather in user's space.


First build the image docker build -t <my_image_name> .

Tag the image, by seeing its image id, from docker images command docker tag 04d7cc352e96 <organization_name>/<my_image_name>:

Finally, push your image docker push <organization_name>/<my_image_name> </my_image_name></organization_name></my_image_name></organization_name></my_image_name>

My org name is: gyanblog, my_image_name is php-apache-mongo

Build Image docker build -t php-apache-mongo .

Tag image docker tag 04d7cc352e96 gyanblog/php-apache-mongo:latest

Push in organization docker push gyanblog/php-apache-mongo

Finally, my path becomes:<a href=""></a>


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